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Partenerii BAM

Business as Mission Resources

Business as Mission Resources & Community. In collaboration with BAM Global…

Mats Tunehag

Mats Tunehag is speaker, writer and consultant from Sweden and has worked all over the world …

Turn the coin

Losing face in business is a frightening experience. In 1988 in a northern town in the UK David lost his business…

Business as Mission Global

We are a global network seeking to invigorate the business as mission movement by: GATHERING BAM PRACTITIONERS

Praxis Labs

A creative engine for redemptive entrepreneurship, supporting founders, funders, and innovators motivated by their faith to love their neighbors and renew culture.


Triventure was created to address a major challenge in the BAM space. By integrating top-of-the-line training Courses, unsurpassed Coaching, and much-needed Kingdom Capital,

Itzinya Networks

Itzinya is an Entrepreneurship Development Organization investing in young entrepreneurs mainly in the developing world, and forcibly displaced people in Europe, equipping them to start and grow small and medium size companies that enables them to employ other young people.

Faith Driven Entrepreneur

We are a movement dedicated to gathering one million Christ-following entrepreneurs and equipping them, so they can fulfill their call to create and transform the world around them.


We are inspired by faith, so we especially focus on educational and humanitarian projects with an eternal perspective, but also on those projects which contribute to building a healthy foundation for faith.